佐賀大学 大学院理工学研究科の国際交流

国費奨学金 | 〇*1 | 〇*1 | × |
受験料,入学料,授業料 | 不要*2 | 不要*2 | 不要*2 |
奨学金/月 | 144,000~145,000円 *3 | 144,000~145,000円 *3 | 1年目:70,000円 2, 3年目:40,000円 |
専攻 |
*2 国費留学生として入試に合格した場合不要です。私費留学生は、受験料・入学料・授業料を支払う必要があります。
*3 国費留学生の場合の奨学金です。私費留学生は各種奨学金に申し込むことができます。奨学金についてはこちら https://www.irdc.saga-u.ac.jp/ja/foreignstudent/scholarship/
ASEANと日本の共発展を目指すT型高度人材育成プログラム (EPAT)
Click here for admission procedure.

Ismail Azizi / Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Master course):
Studying for my master’s degree on the EPAT program in Saga University has been an incredible experience. With full financial support from the EPAT program and Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship, I could focus myself on my studies and research work. The guidance from my dedicated professors and many Japanese friend helped me adapt to new environment and custom in Japan. I met many people with different backgrounds and nationalities while also sharing many ideas and collaborations. This program is excellent for student who are eager to continue their degree and enjoy living in Japan.
AI・データサイエンス高度人材育成プログラム (EPAD)
Click here for admission procedure.

Fisilmi Azizah Rahman / Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Master course):
I was able to apply for the EPAD program in 2022 and studied computer science and information technology in the EPAD program. Since most of the coursework and research is done in English, I am not worry about my Japanese. Because of the EPAD initiative and support, I may focus on education to improve my knowledge and research abilities. I joined a lab where there were lots of projects and frequent lectures, which eager me to study things I had never learned before. Having been a foreigner in Japan, with the help of friends and the professors, I was able to easily adapt to the new environment.
佐賀大学大学院戦略的国際人材育成プログラム (SIPOP)
Click here for admission procedure.

Faisal Hadi / Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Doctoral course):
This scholarship is a scholarship with an easy procedure to apply for because it has a good support system. The advantage of this scholarship is that we have been given clear guidance with a list of research fields including professors who can be contacted according to our research plans. Supported by very kind and communicative professors and University staff who were very cooperative in taking care of all the administration for prospective foreign students, making this scholarship unique and special. For those of you who meet the requirements, don't hesitate to apply, and get other unique experiences at Saga University.

Shaimah Rinda Sari / インドネシア国立研究革新庁(BRIN):
Ever since I obtained bachelor’s degree, I’ve always dreamed of studying abroad. I’m very grateful to be able to pursue my academic interests with the support from EPGA program. I feel honored to be able to study in Japan without worrying about tuition fees and living expenses. Pursuing my master’s and doctoral degrees under EPGA program at Saga University not only allowed me to have transformative opportunity to acquire essential skills in my field study of chemistry and engineering but also provided me with the access to a network of like-minded, hardworking and dedicated peers.
SPACE-SE-B of Undergraduate course
Click here for details.
SPACE-SE-G of Graduate course
Click here for details.

Lucas Chabiron / Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Master course):
My experience in the SPACE-SE program at Saga University has been unique and enriching. My independent study is the main focus of the program, allowing me to work in my field. Only taking a Japanese class and having a weekly class with my main sensei, I've got plenty of time to work on my study. The guidance and encouragement from the professors have been incredibly helpful, making this a great experience.
理工学部学生国際交流活動組織 STEPs
STEPsはStudent Association of Excellent and Progressive Spiritの略で、佐賀大学理工学部長表彰を授与された成績優秀者で構成される学部公認の学生による国際交流活動組織です。組織の紹介、活動報告などをSTEPsが管理・制作するサイトで公開しております。